
Thursday, June 30, 2011

What I learned/Counting My Blessings

I learned that I am far more effective out loud, with people, than in my head, by myself.

Think On Purpose Challenge.

Think-On-Purpose Challenge, Day 1.

I am surrounded by my favorite human beings.

Right now, I am particularly thankful for Jenny Angell (you can meet her here and then you can love her, too) and her amazing affirmations that she authored.

Today, I start my 30-Day Think-On-Purpose Challenge.
Here are the rules (in Christine Language):
1) Start and end my day listening to an affirmation for 10 days.
2) Listen to affirmations and share about life for 10 days.
3) Listen to affirmations and capture inspiration and share for 10 days.

Well, I am already breaking the rules, because I am doing steps 2 and 3 now. I'm fine being someone who thinks rules are invented for others to follow.

~~~Please pause your reading while I listen to an affirmation now.~~~
(Note, yes, it's in the afternoon, but I started my day over now, so it's practically morning.)

Highest Purpose:
I've been listening for my highest purpose.

After Day Camp, my calendar is empty. Except for the children. And My King.

I've been spending my day being someone that I love, and doing what I love.
Structure has been missing.

Imagine what my life would look like when I am living my highest purpose:

Long Term:
  1.  Transform the planet--especially for families.
Middle Term:
  1. I complete my degree. 
  2. Big Ginormous Wedding Celebration. 
  3. We have lots of babies.  
  4. Raise $2k for Camp Fire-Samish Council.
Short Term:
  1. My Inbox is complete and clear. I use this as a structure to generate actions I take. 
  2. I move my body daily, gently, frequently.
  3. Prince Leo's 2011-12 Homeschool Schedule is complete.
Ok, that's a good start. I think I'm going to pull these goals out, and put them in a separate page, and formalize them.

Love, Christine

I am now someone who spends $6 a pound for Organic Bell Peppers.

I went grocery shopping yesterday and walked away from the Organic Bell Peppers because they are more than $6 a pound.

Non-organic = $3.38.

Except that Bell Peppers are on the Dirty Dozen List.
And they travel from far far away (Mexico).

And they make my salad something I want to eat. 
Which makes me want to have salad for breakfast. 
Which makes me want to get up and be excited for my day. 
And then I spend my morning remembering that I am a person that I love being, and that I am thankful that I get to live this life. 
In turn, I'm patient and gentle with my kids and my King.
And my whole day is given my possibility and abundance.

I forgot all of those things this morning.

I could sit here and describe, in detail, the swirl that I created in my head (which ultimately leads to worrying about the ultimate demise of all of Humanity, a personal failure because I didn't do enough to save us all), or--I can simply course correct and move on

So here I am, at 2:00pm, starting my day over. 
I am now someone who spends $6 a pound for Organic Bell Peppers. 
Because I love Me, my Family, and those Farmers.

Love, Christine